October 28, 2020

Yamhill County COVID-19 Response + Recovery Grant Program

Purpose:  The Yamhill County COVID-19 Response + Recovery Grants program has been established to rapidly deploy resources to businesses and nonprofit organizations that support Yamhill County residents and families who are most affected by the emerging health, economic, and social impacts of COVID-19.
Grant Categories
and Allocations:

Community Events – requests up to $5,000
Program or Service Expansion – requests up to $10,000
Capacity Building – requests up to $10,000
Business Recovery/Adaptation/Transition – requests up to $15,000
501(c)(6) Business Recovery – requests up to $15,000

Match Requirement:
None required. Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate community commitment and support through matching cash, volunteer time, and/or in-kind donations.

Qualified applicants must be located within Yamhill County, and may include:

•  Small businesses in good standing
•  Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS
•  Nonprofits having a 501(c)(6) status with the IRS
•  Educational institutions
•  Localgovernments (city or township, special districts)
Project Period:
Projects must be completed within 12 months of the contract start date. Costs incurred prior to the contract start date will not be eligible.
Eligible Projects:
Projects must be located in Yamhill County and demonstrate significant economic impact, including, but not limited to: COVID-19 business recovery, job creation and retention; business retention, relocation, or expansion; and COVID-related business transition or adaptation.
Eligible Expenses:

The following types of expenses will be considered:

•  Acquisition
•  Capacity building
•  Community events
•  Construction
•  Equipment purchases
•  Employee retention
•  Technical assistance
Ineligible Expenses:

The following types of expenses will  not be considered:

•  Debt retirement
•  Events that do not have a direct economic benefit
•  Funding for political activities
•  Funding for faith-based organizations for the purposes of worship or instruction
•  Indirect or overhead costs
•  Individuals or organizations that unfairly discriminate based on
race, ethnic origin, sex, creed or religion, in policy or practice
•  Pass-through funding to other individuals or organizations
•  Travel expenses
Due Date:
Applications for the COVID-19 Response + Recovery grant applications must be received by Friday, November 13, 2020.
Applications may be submitted exclusively through the Yamhill County grant portal, which can be accessed at: https://webportalapp.com/sp/yamhill_county
Award Notification:
Awardees will be notified MondayNovember 23, 2020 and grant awards will be disbursed on Thursday,  December 17, 2020 .
For questions and more information, please contact Carrie Martin, Yamhill County Grants & Special Projects Manager at 503-474-4991 or martinc@co.yamhill.or.us

 COVID-19 Response Grant Guidelines_09.30.20.pdf     project-budget-template-for-application.xlsx

COVID-19-GRANT application