Utility Services

Comcast Business: 503-871-8387

Frontier: 877-462-8188
Frontier Internet Homepage

Northwest Natural Gas: 503-226-4211

PGE: 503-852-6382

Waste Management: 503-538-1388

Water/Sewer: 503-537-1205



A flat monthly Service Charge is charged to all customers. In addition, customers are billed through a calculation of the size of their meter multiplied by the amount water use per month.

The following table shows the fee assessments effective January 1, 2015:

Service Charge ($/month) $1.93
Meter Charge ($/month) Inside and Outside City:
3/4″ meter $9.55
1″ $16.24
1 1/2″ $31.52
2″ $50.62
3″ $95.50
4″ $159.49
6″ $318.02
8″ $509.02
10″ $795.52
Volume Charge ($/hundred cubic feed [hcf]):
Single Family Residential $3.73
Multi-family Residential $3.06
Commercial $3.63
Industrial $3.83
Irrigation $6.50
Outside City $5.59
Public Agency $3.77
Non-Potable $3.52
Springs $6.18


A flat monthly Service Charge is charged to all customers. In addition, customers are billed through a calculation of the type of consumer is multiplied by the volume per cubic feet.

The following table shows how the fees are assessed in FY 2011-2012:

Service Charge ($/month) $19.43
Multi-family per unit Charge $17.13
Volume Charge ($/hundred cubic feet [h.c.f.]:
Single Family Residential $7.77
Multi-family Residential $7.77
Commercial 1 $7.77
Commercial 2 $9.50
Commerical 3* $15.50
Industrial $9.50
Outside City $7.77
Sewer Only (no water service) Flat Rate**:
(Includes monthly service charge) $67.80

*Commercial 3 includes restaurants
**Based on 700 c.f.

In FY 2015-2016, stormwater fees are calculated by the determined number of equivalent dwelling units (edu) for a certain land use of each property. It is then multiplied by a flat amount per edu.

Single Family             $ 7.96/EDU
Non residential          $ 7.96/EDU

An EDU, as defined by City Code Section 53.02, is equivalent to 2,877 square feet of impervious area. All single-family residences are, by definition, one EDU.

In Newberg, power is supplied by Portland General Electric (PGE). PGE was recently ranked #1 in the western region of the U.S. for overall business customer satisfaction. In specific categories, PGE ranked first in the region for power quality and reliability and second in the region in customer service and corporate citizenship (Source: J.D. Power and Associates 2009 Electric Utility Business Customer Satisfaction StudySM). For summary about PGE, including such information as generation capacity, power sources, peak load, number of customers, etc., please see their Quick Facts.

For information explaining PGE’s energy pricing, please click here. For information regarding PGE’s rate schedules, please click here.

In Newberg, natural gas is supplied by the Northwest Natural Gas Company. Northwest Natural has earned the second highest overall score in the Western U.S. among large utilities as well as second highest overall score in the nation according to the 2011 J.D. Power and Associates Gas Utility Residential Customer StudySM. The same study earned NW Natural second place for customer satisfaction. This marks the eighth consecutive year the company has ranked among the best in the West.

For more information about NW Natural, please click here. For information regarding NW Natural’s rates and regulations, please click here.

The State of Oregon offers numerous energy tax credit and energy assistance programs to help lower your energy usage. To find out more, please visit http://www.oregon.gov/energy.