Utility Services
Comcast Business: 503-871-8387
Frontier: 877-462-8188
Frontier Internet Homepage
Northwest Natural Gas: 503-226-4211
PGE: 503-852-6382
Waste Management: 503-538-1388
Water/Sewer: 503-537-1205
A flat monthly Service Charge is charged to all customers. In addition, customers are billed through a calculation of the size of their meter multiplied by the amount water use per month.
The following table shows the fee assessments effective January 1, 2015:
Service Charge ($/month) | $1.93 |
Meter Charge ($/month) Inside and Outside City: | |
3/4″ meter | $9.55 |
1″ | $16.24 |
1 1/2″ | $31.52 |
2″ | $50.62 |
3″ | $95.50 |
4″ | $159.49 |
6″ | $318.02 |
8″ | $509.02 |
10″ | $795.52 |
Volume Charge ($/hundred cubic feed [hcf]): | |
Single Family Residential | $3.73 |
Multi-family Residential | $3.06 |
Commercial | $3.63 |
Industrial | $3.83 |
Irrigation | $6.50 |
Outside City | $5.59 |
Public Agency | $3.77 |
Non-Potable | $3.52 |
Springs | $6.18 |
A flat monthly Service Charge is charged to all customers. In addition, customers are billed through a calculation of the type of consumer is multiplied by the volume per cubic feet.
The following table shows how the fees are assessed in FY 2011-2012:
Service Charge ($/month) | $19.43 | |
Multi-family per unit Charge | $17.13 | |
Volume Charge ($/hundred cubic feet [h.c.f.]: | ||
Single Family Residential | $7.77 | |
Multi-family Residential | $7.77 | |
Commercial 1 | $7.77 | |
Commercial 2 | $9.50 | |
Commerical 3* | $15.50 | |
Industrial | $9.50 | |
Outside City | $7.77 | |
Sewer Only (no water service) Flat Rate**: | ||
(Includes monthly service charge) | $67.80 |
*Commercial 3 includes restaurants
**Based on 700 c.f.
Single Family $ 7.96/EDU
Non residential $ 7.96/EDU
An EDU, as defined by City Code Section 53.02, is equivalent to 2,877 square feet of impervious area. All single-family residences are, by definition, one EDU.
For information explaining PGE’s energy pricing, please click here. For information regarding PGE’s rate schedules, please click here.
For more information about NW Natural, please click here. For information regarding NW Natural’s rates and regulations, please click here.