The way the world does business is changing—what doesn’t change is the need to represent the interests of business with government. Advocacy was one of the first things the Founding Fathers of our nation sought to protect. The first amendment to the Constitution makes very clear that petitioning the government is an important right that should not be taken away. Democracy is not a spectator sport.

Businesses must play to make sure they are in the game and influencing the outcome. With our broad base of members and the resources we are equipped with, Chambers are the perfect conduits to serve and represent the Voice of Business to key decision makers in their community. Connecting leaders and influencing decisions is a natural role for Chambers of Commerce. We are the only entity in our community that represents business of all sizes, industries, and stages.  This gives Chambers a unique market niche to be the leading voice on public policy. Chambers are able to harness the collective power of their membership and join them together as one voice to influence outcomes in government.

There probably is no more important function for Chambers than to be the voice for business in their community. The      bottom-line is our members want to be profitable and stay competitive. Who better to be on their side than the Chamber?

Our organizations have strategic political insight, timely knowledge of business issues, know all the players, and can be a positive force to promote business interests with government. A Chamber’s collective clout helps keep business taxes and regulations in line. When Chambers focus on politics and policy, members can take care of running their companies!

We must all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.

~Ben Franklin at the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

The Chamber Business Advocacy Team  is guided by the following objectives:

  1. Preserving the competitive enterprise system of business by creating a better understanding and appreciation of the importance of the business community and concern for its problems; creating a more intelligent business and public opinion regarding city, county, state, and national legislative and political affairs; preventing controversies which are detrimental to business and the community; and creating a greater appreciation of the value of competitive business.
  2. Promoting business and community growth and development by: promoting economic programs designed to strengthen and expand the income potential of all classifications of business within the trade area; and discovering and correcting abuse which prevents the promotion of business expansion and community growth.

Other guidelines include:

  1. The use of taxes should be fair and equitable in providing services and programs that benefit the economic growth and the health and welfare of citizens.
  2. Reasonable regulations are necessary to a growing economy.
  3. Governmental policy needs to promote economic opportunity.
  4. Government expenditures should not grow at rates greater than populations and inflation.
  5. Government must look for more efficient ways to provide services to maintain quality government within cost restraints