June 4, 2020

Reopening Oregon – OLCC Guidance, Phase I

Governor Kate Brown announced that businesses in counties satisfying specific public health
requirements are eligible to reopen. The Governor’s plan announced three phases. Many counties
were approved to reopen under Phase I as early as May 15, 2020.

 Go here to find out if your business is in a county that is approved to open because it is in
Phase I, II, or III.

 Go here for Governor Brown’s May 14, 2020 Executive Order 20-25: A Safe and Strong
Oregon: Maintaining Essential Health Directives in Response to COVID-19, and
Implementing a Phased Approach for Reopening Oregon’s Economy.

Once a county is approved to reopen, the restaurants, bars, breweries, brewpubs, wineries, tasting
rooms, and distilleries in that county may begin limited reopening. Licensees in counties in Phase
I must comply with specific Oregon Health Authority (OHA) Phase I reopening guidance.
OHA guidance is available here 
OHA Reopening FAQ is available here

OLCC Fact Sheet Here
If you are ready to reopen, OLCC Reopening Application Here