Well ladies you’ve asked for it and this month you’ve got it . . . an exclusive article targeted for you! Are you tired of traveling to Portland in search of “the right outfit” only to leave feeling disappointed and not quite sure you even got what you needed? Well, if you shop at Nikki Jane’s you’ll not only be shopping local, you will get excellent personal service tailored to your individual needs. Sit back and enjoy this article as we take a closer look at Nikki Jane’s Boutique where big city fashion is alive and well.
Owner Amy Rubottom has succeeded in bringing quality fashion design to Newberg at affordable pricing. This is not your ordinary fashion apparel shop where articles arrive late and sit until they sell, rather inventory usually cycles in one to two weeks due to high demand. Amy is constantly bringing in new inventory to satisfy hungry appetites and increasing demands for the latest in fashion design and accessory merchandise.
With a love for fashion she too experienced the exhaustion of seeking what she wanted and finally decided to open her own business in 2007. Named after her daughter, “Nikki Jane”, the name itself has the ring of a fashion label. We’ll have to keep an eye out for that one. The shop itself has a Sauvé European feel with the layout and chandeliers. After opening doors on Portland Road she later relocated in 2013 to downtown Newberg. She is excited about the direction of the downtown area and looks forward to the future!
With her ambitious nature and eye for fashion, she enjoys making it affordable for her shoppers ranging in age from 20-70ish. This is one shop that will never run out of style and her shoppers visit on a routine basis so as to not miss the latest arrivals. And men, no need to shy away, they love helping you find the right gifts! Nikki Jane’s is quickly becoming an icon in Newberg and a popular destination as the word spreads. With inventory levels routinely cycled, this popular shop has saved many from the dreaded trip to Portland in search of that something extra special. Save the headaches and turmoil, sit back and relax with your latte as you relish on the time you saved by buying local at this specialty boutique!
If you too enjoy good fashion or just have a nose for what’s “in”, come by and check out Nikki Jane’s Boutique they are always happy to help you accessorize or introduce the latest styles. Whether you’re looking for designer denim, tops, skirts, sweaters, hats, scarves, shoes, boots, heels, children couture or jewelry galore Nikki Jane’s has what you’re looking for. As Amy says, “Nikki Jane’s Boutique is the ultimate shopping experience in the heart of wine country, for the girl in all of us.”
602 E. 1st St. #B | Newberg, Oregon 97132 | 503.538.2620
Hours of operation:
Tuesday to Friday 10am – 6pm
Saturday 11am – 6pm
Sunday 12noon – 4pm
Monday Closed
And open late the First Friday of every month!