Homeward Bound Pets is 42 years old and has been in Yamhill County for 42 years.
What is your mission?
Improving the lives of cats and dogs through adoption and community partnerships
What do you do?
Homeward Bound Pets is a no-kill animal shelter and 501c3 non-profit organization which operates solely from donations, fundraising activities, adoption fees and our Thrift Shop which is entirely run by volunteers. We will be opening Yamhill Counties first low cost spay & neuter clinic in 2017
What sets your business apart?
Homeward Bound Pets is Oregon’s first no-kill shelter and celebrating its’ 42 year in business on February 27, 2017. Since 2011 we are the first and only low cost cat spay/neuter program in Yamhill County. We will be opening Yamhill Counties first low cost spay/neuter clinic for dogs and cats in the Fall of 2017. Our thrift shop has been open for 15 years and 100% of the profits go to the care and feeding of our animals. Our Angel Fund is the only charitable veterinary service program in Yahmill County since 2012.
A Testimonial from our Facebook Page: “We are so impressed with your set up”, “The staff are very friendly, and were very helpful with finding a perfect new family member”, Staff was so easy to communicate with and knew exactly what I was looking for. All the animals are loved and well cared for”.
Are there any misconceptions?
The biggest misconception is that we only have cats for adoption; we also have dogs.
What challenges have you faced?
The roof on Amber’s House (Cattery) was leaking. After a contractor assessed the situation it was learned that 3 of the 4 walls and the floor were all dry rotted. The entire house had to be rebuilt. The cats were moved to our other cattery and sent to foster homes until the construction was complete. Homeward bound with the help of staff and many volunteers managed to continue to intake and adopt out cats without a major interruption.
Get in touch:
Contact: Ronnie Vostinak, Executive Director
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday from Noon – 4 PM.
Location: 10601 SW Loop Rd McMinnville (Shelter), 1120 NE Lafayette Ave McMinnville (Thrift Shop)
Phone for Shelter: (503) 472-0341 and the Thrift Shop is (503) 434-6545
Email: executivedirector@hbpets.org, sheltermanager@hbpets.org, thriftshop@hbpets.org,
Web Site: hbpets.org