By Karla Erovick
You probably already know that Facebook has an algorithm that determines which and how many of your posts on your business page are seen by your fans. It can be really frustrating to have your posts be seen by your audience. It can be a fraction of your overall page likes and in the beginning when you are growing your fan base it can be annoying not to be seen.
One of the ways that your posts gain more visibility is through engagement. That’s when your fans “like, comment, and share” your posts. This tells Facebook that what you are sharing is relevant and that people want to see these posts. Facebook pushes more of these types of posts out into your fans feed. The more promotional the post, the less Facebook will push it out.
Another way to be seen is when fans “react” to your posts using one of the emoticons: love, happy, sad, angry… These actually carry more weight than a plain like. So if you want to have your posts be seen, ask your friends, family, and fans to react to your posts.
One of the things that we have been doing on our Chehalem Valley Chamber Facebook Page is to like our member’s business posts and to share them to our page. Since we have a large number of fans, when we share your posts they get seen more broadly by a larger audience. That helps your posts have more visibility. It’s also fun for us to share what are members are doing.
Since we can’t be everywhere at once, if you have a Facebook post that you think we should see, tag us, so we see it. When you use @Chehalemvalleychamber in the caption of your post, we get notified that you are talking about us. We do the same when we are mentioning our members in a post. When someone takes the time to tag your business, respond by thanking them or responding to their question within 24 hours. It’s just good business.
Now that you know some things you can be doing to raise your visibility on Facebook, react to our posts, and we’ll do the same for you.
Facebook doesn’t have to be frustrating when you know some of these strategies for increasing your visibility.