Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce
Government Affairs Committee
Government Affairs Committee
The Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee monitors and takes positions on local and state legislative issues, candidates for office and is an advocate on behalf of chamber member businesses. In addition to advocacy, the Government Affairs Committee educates the electorate regarding upcoming elections, including co-sponsoring candidate forums and providing written questions and answers from candidates running for local office, in addition to other educational opportunities for members to stay informed. To be endorsed by the Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce, candidates undergo interviews with members of the CVCC Government Affairs Committee, and must be approved by a supermajority vote in favor by the CVCC Board of Directors. Given this, candidate endorsements happen very infrequently.
The Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce is proud to cosponsor candidate forums with the Newberg City Club & George Fox University Civility Project.
Government Affairs Committee Members

Alyssa is an active member of the Newberg Community. She is a volunteer with the St. Paul Rodeo Association, serving as a committee chair for the organization. Additionally, she serves on the Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. Her roles within the Chamber have included positions on the Finance Committee, Government Affairs Committee, and the Executive Committee holding the role of Treasurer. Also, of note, she honors her Tigard roots by being an occasional volunteer with Just Compassion of East Washington County.

Wade and his wife, Jere, made Newberg home for 20 years before moving to Lafayette six years ago. Wade has served on the Newberg City Council, Lafayette City Council, the Yamhill Commission on Children and Families, the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission, and the George Fox Alumni Board. Wade is also a certified life coach, a certified mediator, and an educational consultant.

In July 2013, Om located her agency in downtown Newberg. Following the Affordable Care Act(ACA), Om put her efforts to make sure everyone can receive help to obtain health coverage easily with no stress. With her dedicated works, she has earned certificate of recognition “Elite Marketplace Circle of Champions” from Centers of Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) for 100+consumers enrolled in qualified health coverage every single year.
Om believes in serving communities and connecting people. She was past president of Newberg Rotary Noon club and Chehalem valley chamber ambassador. Currently she serves as chamber board member and health insurance marketplace advisory committee (HIMAC). Om enjoys experimental cooking which she is a three-time winner of “Soup’s On” Judge’s choice award!

Maryl is a graduate of UC Berkeley and has lived in Newberg since 2018. She and her husband have two kids that attend Newberg public schools. Maryl is passionate about community building, sustainable economic development, and advocating for local businesses.

Partners in Hosting the Candidates Forum