There are changes to the FEMA National Business EOC (NBEOC) calls moving forward. The NBEOC calls will now be on Monday and Friday. There wasn’t a call yesterday. In addition, the ESF 14 Cross Sector Business and Industry Calls facilitated by CISA are on Tuesday and Thursdays. See more information below.
Updates noted in blue:
FEMA Rumor Control
How to Help
Visit this page on how to best donate, volunteer or provide critical supplies to the fight the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Materials in Spanish
FEMA: Spanish Coronavirus page
- CDC: CDC’s website and communications resources can be found here in Spanish.
Coronavirus Response Toolkit
- In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the Ad Council – in partnership with the federal government, public health partners, board member companies, major media networks and digital platforms – launched a series of national PSAs and multi-channel content to provide critical and urgent messages to the American public. Visit here.
CISA Region 10 COVID-19 Dashboard
- CISA Region 10 created this public dashboard for posting information. Visit at
American Red Cross Asking for Support for Blood Donations
- Blood drive cancellation stats on Facebookand Twitter.
- Blood drive precautions on Facebookand Twitter.
CISA Critical Industries Guidance
- Visit here to read the guidance
Small Business Administration Disaster Loan Program
- Please review for the latest information and specific contacts for the program.
- Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources
Government Response to Coronavirus, COVID-19
- Learn about international travel restrictions, how you can prepare for coronavirus, and what the U.S. government is doing in response to the virus.
Federal Motor Safety Carrier Administration Expanded Emergency Declaration
- The Federal Motor Safety Carrier Administration provided an expanded emergency declaration on March 18, 2020.