Vivian Lee Foundation

Christy Rimrodt, Executive Director


Founded in 2017

Mission Statement

The mission of The Vivian Lee Foundation is to support those living with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) in our community. Our foundation is proud to offer local programs and assistance for families living with CF. We understand that this disease affects everyday life as well as the mental and emotional well-being of patients and caregivers alike. The passion of our board, leadership, and volunteers is easing the nuanced challenges that come with being a family dealing with a serious genetic disease. Our programs are designed by CF parents, who understand how hard it is to navigate through the journey of living with CF.

Business Products or Services

We serve families with cystic fibrosis in our home state of Oregon and all over the United States. We provide support to families through grants, support groups, financial assistance and recreation/sports activity grants. A key component to our organization is connecting with the CF community in our own rural area. Even though CF is a rare disease, there are many families in our town and surrounding towns that have someone with CF in their household. We host support groups and events that allow us to teach CF education, connect with others in the CF community, and also help CF families with daily struggles. We want the community to know that we are there with them on this journey.

Business Industry Standing

There really is no other organization like ours. There are a few larger organizations that raise money for research and other programs, but we have found that we are the only one that will provide support for all aspects of this disease. The small, daily struggles that come with living with a chronic illness. Our grants allow people to receive assistance for transportation, loss of income, hospital stays, childcare and so much more. We know that research for a cure is important, but our goal is to support the families still living day in and day out with this disease.

Customer Engagement

We have been able to serve more than 150 CF families through our programs since 2020.


CF has no cure. While there have been many advancements in the medical field in recent years, it is not a cure. There are many CF patients that can’t take the latest drugs for various reasons, and patients still have to do hours of treatments and medications daily. While the life expectancy and quality of life has improved drastically, our work isn’t done yet. Also, because CF is a rare disease, we get 100% of our funding from local businesses and donors. We do not receive any federal funding for our programs.

Name Origin Story

Our foundation was named after Vivian Lee, an 8 year old little girl living in Newberg with cystic fibrosis.

Starting Up Stories

We are a nonprofit and always looking for other businesses and people to partner with! Whether that is through volunteering or sponsoring our next event, we are always needing help!