Governor Brown Tells Yamhill County – Reopening, Phase One to Begin
Commissioner Kulla has shared with us, his letter from Governor Kate Brown which tells us that Yamhill County may proceed with Phase One of reopening as early as Friday, May 15th.
Goals for a safe and strong Oregon:
- Minimize Hospitalizations and deaths
- Allow people to return to work so they can support themselves and their families
- Minimize risk to frontline workers
- Avoid overwhelming the health care system
- Protect those at highest risk of severe illness; especially the elderly, those with underlying health conditions, and communities of color.
- Support social/cultural/spiritual reopening for small groups that preserve community cohesion and cultural practices.
As a reminder, Josh, Patty and I are here to support your successful recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic. Please reach out to me directly for any guidance, questions, connections to resources, or sharing opportunities. It’s a gift to be your champions during this challenging season.
Be well.
Shannon Buckmaster
CEO, Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce
mobile (503) 758-5585