March 31, 2020
Governor Kate Brown announces Oregon progress on personal protective equipment acquisition, highlights urgent need for federal contribution. View the news release here.
The Oregon Community Foundation has two new active funds in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The foundation’s website has information on the Oregon Small Business Stabilization Fund and the Oregon Community Recovery Fund.
The recently passed Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act includes resources for small businesses, non-profit groups and other employers. This guide provides information about the major programs and initiatives that will soon be available through the act.
The League of Oregon Cities has launched a new Resource Center with information about the COVID-19 pandemic, sorted by topic. Sections include public meetings, employment, business and economic development, workers compensation, sample policies and more.
The Oregon Farmers Market Association has released guidance around famers markets, many of which remain open around the state as essential businesses.
Read the Joint Special Committee on Coronavirus Response from the legislative committee tasked with responding to and making recommendations on COVID-19 in Oregon.